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Type : Journal
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Research teams : Houston - M.D.Anderson Cancer Center
Authors : Chan P, Heatherly K, Kupiec T.C, Trissel L.A.
Title : Compatibility of caspofungin acetate injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Reference : Int J Pharm Compound ; 12, 3: 276-278. 2008

Level of Evidence : 
Not rated
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 
Not rated: compatibility study only

List of drugs
injectionAciclovir sodium Antiviral
Compatible 7 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmikacin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmiodarone hydrochloride Anti-arrhythmic
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmphotericin B Antifungal
Incompatible 0,6 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmphotericin B lipid complex Antifungal
Incompatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmphotericin B liposomale Antifungal
Incompatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAmpicillin sodium Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionAztreonam Antibiotic
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionBumetanide Diuretic
Compatible 0,04 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCarboplatin Anticancer drug
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCaspofungin acetate Antifungal
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAciclovir sodium 7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmikacin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmiodarone hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmphotericin B 0,6 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmphotericin B lipid complex 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmphotericin B liposomale 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAmpicillin sodium 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionAztreonam 40 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionBumetanide 0,04 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCarboplatin 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCefazolin sodium 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCefepime dihydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCeftazidime 40 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCeftriaxone disodium 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCiclosporin 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCiprofloxacin lactate 2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCisplatin 0,5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionClindamycin phosphate 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCo-trimoxazole 4/0,8 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionCytarabine 50 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDaptomycin 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDaunorubicin hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDiltiazem hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDobutamine hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDopamine hydrochloride 3,2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionDoxorubicin hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionEpinephrine hydrochloride 0,05 µg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionErtapenem 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionEtoposide phosphate 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionFentanyl citrate 50 µg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionFurosemide 3 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionGanciclovir sodium 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionGentamicin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionHydrocortisone sodium succinate 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionHydromorphone hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionIfosfamide 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionImipenem - cilastatin sodium 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionInsulin 1 UI/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionLansoprazole 0,55 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionLevofloxacine 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionLinezolid 2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionLorazepam 0,5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMagnesium sulfate 100 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMelphalan 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMeropenem 2,5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMidazolam hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMilrinone lactate 0,2 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMitomycin 0,5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMorphine sulfate 15 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionMycophenolate mofetil 6 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionNafcillin sodium 20 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionNorepinephrine bitartrate 0,128 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPantoprazole sodium 0,4 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPethidine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPhenylephrine hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 40/5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPotassium chloride 100 mEq/l + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Incompatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionPotassium phosphate 0,5 mmol/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionQuinupristine/dalfopristine 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionTacrolimus 20 µg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionTobramycin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionVancomycin hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionVincristine sulfate 0,05 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
Compatible 0,7 mg/ml + injectionVoriconazole 4 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCefazolin sodium Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCefepime dihydrochloride Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCeftazidime Antibiotic
Incompatible 40 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCeftriaxone disodium Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCiclosporin Immunosuppressant
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCiprofloxacin lactate Antibiotic
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCisplatin Anticancer drug
Compatible 0,5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionClindamycin phosphate Antibiotic
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCo-trimoxazole Antibiotic
Incompatible 4/0,8 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionCytarabine Anticancer drug
Incompatible 50 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDaptomycin Antibiotic
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDaunorubicin hydrochloride Anticancer drug
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDiltiazem hydrochloride Anti-arrhythmic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDobutamine hydrochloride Cardiotonic
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDopamine hydrochloride Cardiotonic
Compatible 3,2 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionDoxorubicin hydrochloride Anticancer drug
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionEpinephrine hydrochloride Sympathomimetic
Compatible 0,05 µg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionErtapenem Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionEtoposide phosphate Anticancer drug
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionFentanyl citrate Analgesic
Compatible 50 µg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionFurosemide Diuretic
Incompatible 3 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionGanciclovir sodium Antiviral
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionGentamicin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
Incompatible 100 UI/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionHydrocortisone sodium succinate Anti-inflammatory
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionHydromorphone hydrochloride Analgesic
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionIfosfamide Anticancer drug
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionImipenem - cilastatin sodium Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionInsulin Glucose-lowering
Compatible 1 UI/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionLansoprazole Proton pump inhibitor
Incompatible 0,55 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionLevofloxacine Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionLinezolid Antibiotic
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionLorazepam Anxiolytic
Compatible 0,5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMagnesium sulfate Electrolyte
Compatible 100 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMelphalan Anticancer drug
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMeropenem Antibiotic
Compatible 2,5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMethylprednisolone sodium succinate Anti-inflammatory
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMetronidazole Antiparasitic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolytic
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMilrinone lactate Cardiotonic
Compatible 0,2 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMitomycin Anticancer drug
Compatible 0,5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMorphine sulfate Analgesic
Compatible 15 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionMycophenolate mofetil Immunosuppressant
Compatible 6 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionNafcillin sodium Antibiotic
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionNorepinephrine bitartrate Sympathomimetic
Compatible 0,128 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPantoprazole sodium Proton pump inhibitor
Compatible 0,4 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPethidine hydrochloride Analgesic
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPhenylephrine hydrochloride Sympathomimetic
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam Antibiotic
Incompatible 40/5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPotassium chloride Electrolyte
Compatible 100 mEq/l + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionPotassium phosphate Electrolyte
Incompatible 0,5 mmol/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionQuinupristine/dalfopristine Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionTacrolimus Immunosuppressant
Compatible 20 µg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionTobramycin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionVincristine sulfate Anticancer drug
Compatible 0,05 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%
injectionVoriconazole Antifungal
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectionCaspofungin acetate 0,7 mg/ml + Sodium chloride 0,9%

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