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細胞増殖抑制薬   Carboplatin  
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Acoplasic メキシコ
Axicarb ドイツ
Balidon コロンビア
Blastocarb コロンビア, チリ, ペルー, メキシコ
Boplatex エクアドル, コロンビア, メキシコ
Carbip メキシコ
Carbodex トルコ
Carboeen インド
Carbokebir アルゼンチン
Carbokem インド
Carbol ペルー
Carbomedac スウェーデン
Carboplat アルゼンチン, ドイツ, メキシコ
Carboplatin アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ, アーストラリア, イラン, インド, エジプト, オーストリア, カナダ, ギリシア, サウジアラビア, デンマーク, ニュージーランド, フィンランド, ブラジル, ベルギー, モロッコ, ルクセンブルグ
Carboplatine スイス, フランス, モロッコ
Carboplatino アルゼンチン, コロンビア, スペイン, チリ
Carbosin エジプト, ギリシア, ベルギー, マレーシア
Cycloplatin ハンガリー, ポーランド
Emorzym ギリシア
Megaplatin ギリシア
Nuvaplast メキシコ
Paraplatin アメリカ, アラブ首長国連邦, イギリス, イタリア, オランダ, オーストリア, ギリシア, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, デンマーク, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィンランド, ベルギー, ポーランド, メキシコ, ルクセンブルグ
Paraplatine チュニジア, フランス, モロッコ
Platinwas スペイン
引用文献   注射薬   引用文献 : Carboplatin  
形式 出版物
3 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of amifostine with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2208-2212.
57 雑誌 Mayron D, Gennaro AR.
Stability and compatibility of granisetron hydrochloride in IV solutions and oral liquids and during simulated Y-site injection with selected drugs.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 294-304.
81 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of piperacillin sodium plus tazobactam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 672-678.
84 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Visual, turbidimetric, and particle-content assessment of compatibility of vinorelbine tartrate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 495-499.
85 雑誌 Trissel LA, Bready BB.
Turbidimetric assessment of the compatibility of taxol with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 1716-1719.
99 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of aztreonam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1086-1090.
163 雑誌 Sewell GJ, Allsopp M, Collinson MP, Tyrrell C, Prentice AJ, Copplestone JA.
Stability studies on admixtures of 5-fluorouracil with carboplatin and 5-fluorouracil with heparin for administration in continuous infusion regimens.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1994 ; 19: 127-133.
164 雑誌 Benaji B, Dine T, Luyckx M, Brunet C, Goudaliez F, Mallevais ML, Cazin M, Gressier B, Cazin JC.
Stability and compatibility of cisplatin and carboplatin with PVC infusion bags.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1994 ; 19: 95-100.
166 雑誌 Rochard E, Barthes D, Courtois P.
Stability and compatibility study of carboplatin with three portable infusion pump reservoirs.
Int J Pharm 1994 ; 101: 257-262.
169 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Physical compatibility of melphalan with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 2359-2363.
244 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of filgrastim with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1907-1913.
249 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of thiotepa (lyophilized) with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1041-1045.
251 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2708-2713.
300 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of propofol injectable emulsion with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1287-1292.
301 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Baker MB, Walter WV, Mirtallo JM.
Compatibility of parenteral nutrient solutions with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1295-1300.
307 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of allopurinol sodium with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1792-1799.
334 雑誌 Trissel LA, Tramonte SM, Grilley BJ.
Visual compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 988-992.
335 雑誌 Trissel LA, Bready BB, Kwan JW, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of sargramostim with selected antineoplasic agents, anti-infectives, or other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 402-406.
409 雑誌 Cheung YW, Cradock JC, Vishnuvajjala BR, Flora KP.
Stability of cisplatin, iproplatin, carboplatin, and tetraplatin in commonly used intravenous solutions.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1987 ; 44: 124-130.
484 雑誌 Northcott M, Allsopp MA, Powell H, Sewell GJ.
The stability of carboplatin, diamorphine, 5-fluorouracil and mitozantrone infusions in an ambulatory pump under storage and prolonged “in use” conditions.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1991 ; 16: 123-129.
486 雑誌 Diaz Amador F, Sevilla Azzati E, Herreros de Tajeda y Lopez-Coterilla A.
Stability of carboplatin in polyvinyl chloride bags.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1998 ; 55: 602, 604.
492 雑誌 Trissel LA, Parks NPT, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of fludarabine phosphate with antineoplastic drugs, anti-infectives, and other selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 2186-2189.
645 雑誌 Sewell GJ, Riley CM, Rowland CG.
The stability of carboplatin in ambulatory continuous infusion regimes.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1987 ; 12: 427-432.
872 雑誌 Zhang YP, Xu QA, Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez F.
Compatibility and stability of paclitaxel combined with cisplatin and with carboplatin in infusion solutions.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1997 ; 31: 1465-1470.
905 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Screening teniposide for Y-site physical incompatibilities.
Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 29: 1010-1017.
921 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Incompatibility and compatibility of amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Hosp Pharm 1998 ; 33: 284-292.
1026 雑誌 Mayron D, Gennaro AR.
Stability and compatibility of topotecan hydrochloride with selected drugs.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1999 ; 56: 875-881.
1410 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Simmons M.
Compatibility of etoposide phosphate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 141-145.
1415 雑誌 Trissel L.A, Gilbert D.L, Martinez J.F, Baker M.B, Walter W.V, Mirtallo J.M.
Compatibility of medications with 3-in-1 parenteral nutrition admixtures.
JPEN 1999 ; 23: 67-74.
1423 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of gemcitabine hyrochloride with 107 selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 514-518.
1496 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Screening cladribine for Y-site physical compatibility with selected drugs.
Hosp Pharm 1996 ; 31: 1425-1428.
1520 実験 Etude de stabilité des médicaments en Ecoflac®
B Braun 2001
1625 雑誌 Trissel LA, Saenz C, Williams YW, Ingram D.
Incompatibilities of lansoprazole injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 314-321.
1662 雑誌 Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ingram DS, Ogundele AB.
Compatibility screening of oxaliplatin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2002 ; 8: 33-37.
1667 雑誌 Valière C, Arnaud P, Caroff E, Dauphin JF, Clément G, Brion F.
Stability and compatibility study of a carboplatin solution in syringes for continuous ambulatory infusion.
Int J Pharm 1996 ; 138: 125-128.
1734 雑誌 Hadfield JA, McGown AT, Dawson MJ, Thatcher N, Fox BW.
The suitability of carboplatin solutions for 14-day continuous infusion by ambulatory pump : an HPLC-dynamic FAB study.
J Pharm Biomed Anal 1993 ; 11: 723-727.
1925 雑誌 Trissel LA , Williams KY, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility screening of linezolid injection during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs and infusion solutions.
J Am Pharm Assoc 2000 ; 40: 515-519.
1950 雑誌 Trissel LA, Yanping Z.
Physical and chemical stability of palonosetron HCl with cisplatin, carboplatin and oxaliplatin during simulated Y-site administration.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2004 ; 10: 191-195.
1953 雑誌 Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele AB, Ingram DS.
Physical compatibility of pemetrexed disodium with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 2289-2293.
1982 雑誌 Trissel LA, Ogundele AB.
Compatibility of anidulafungin with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 834-837.
2108 雑誌 Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA.
Compatibility of micafungin injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site co-administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2006 ; 10: 230-232.
2203 雑誌 Kaestner S, Sewell G.
A sequential temperature cycling study for the investigation of carboplatin infusion stability to facilitate 'dose-banding'.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2007 ; 13: 119-126.
2242 雑誌 Lederer M, Leipzig-Pagani E.
A note on the solution chemistry of carboplatin in aqueous solutions.
Int J Pharm 1998 ; 167, 1-2: 223-228.
2243 雑誌 Pujol M, Girona V, Prat J, Munoz M, De Bolos J.
Degradation pathway of carboplatin in aqueous solution.
Int J Pharm 1997 ; 146: 263-269.
2244 雑誌 Prat J, Pujol M, Girona V, Munoz M, Sol? L-A.
Stability of carboplatin in 5% glucose solution in glass, polyethylene and polypropylene containers.
J Pharm Biomed Anal 1994 ; 12, 1: 81-84.
2245 雑誌 Torres F, Girona V, Puiol M, Prat J, de Bolos J.
Stability of carboplatin in 5% glucose solution exposed to light.
Int J Pharm 1996 ; 129: 275-277.
2247 雑誌 Chan P, Heatherly K, Kupiec T.C, Trissel L.A.
Compatibility of caspofungin acetate injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2008 ; 12, 3: 276-278.
2253 雑誌 Curis E, Provost K, Bouvet D, Nicolis I, Crauste-manciet S, Brossard D, B?nazeth S.
Carboplatin and oxaliplatin decomposition in chloride medium, monitored by XAS.
J Synchrotron Rad 2001 ; 8: 716-718.
2254 雑誌 Curis E, Provost K, Nicolis I, Bouvet D, B?nazeth S, Crauste-Manciet S, Brion F, Brossard D.
Carboplatin decomposition in aqueous solution with chloride ions monitored by X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
New J Chem 2000 ; 24: 1003-1008.
2262 雑誌 Brammer MK, Chan P, Heatherly K, Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Psathas PA, Gilmor T, Schaufelberger D.
Compatibility of doripenem with other drugs during simulated Y-site administratioN
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65: 1261-1265.
3277 雑誌 Yang Z, Cameron S, Paul H.
Stability of Carboplatin, Paclitaxel, and Docetaxel with Acetyl-L-carnitine During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2012 ; 16, 1 : 82-85.
3286 雑誌 Okamoto Y, Tazumi K, Sanada Y, Tsugane M, Uejima E.
Light-induced Deterioration Test of Carboplatin under Clinical Settings.
Yakugaku Zasshi 2010 ; 130, 10: 1369-1374.
3341 雑誌 Trittler R, Jung B, Strehl E.
Ist teurer immer auch besser? Analytiklabor der Apotheke unterstütz Einkauf sentcheidungen bei Carboplatin-Präparaten.
Krankenhauspharmazie 2001 ; 7: 331-333.
3474 実験 Fluorouracil - Summary of Product Characteristics
Accord Healthcare Limited 2009
3574 実験 Ondansetron - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit
Accord Healthcare France SAS 2013
3602 実験 Mesna (Uromitexan®)- Summary of Product Characteristics
Baxter SAS 2013
3670 雑誌 Sewell G, Massimini M.
Studies on the stability and compatibility of cytotoxic drug infusion with the Tevadaptor system.
EJOP 2014 ; 8, 3: 26-30.
3743 雑誌 Allsopp M.A, Sewell G.J, Rowland C.G, Riley C.M, Schowen R.L.
The degradation of carboplatin in aqueous solutions containing chloride or other selected nucleophiles.
Int J Pharm 1991 ; 69: 197-210.
3830 雑誌 Myers A.Ls, Zhang Y-P, Kawedia L, Trinh V.A, Tran H, Smith J.A, Kramer M.A.
Stability study of carboplatin infusion solutions in 0.9% sodium chloride in polyvinyl chloride bags.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2016 ; 22: 31-36.
4120 雑誌 Vazquez-Sanchez R, Sanchez-Rubio-Ferrandez J, Cordoba-Diaz D, Cordoba-Diaz M, Molina-Garcia T.
Stability of carboplatin infusion solutions used in desensitization protocol.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2018 25,5:1076?1081
4205 雑誌 Choi S, O La H, Kim K, Kim S, Hwangbo S.
Stability of Carboplatin in normal saline : dependence on initial dilution concentration and storage time.
J Kor Soc Hosp Pharm 2006 ;23,3:219-224
4310 雑誌 Mizuta N, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto K, Nishioka T, Kume M, Makimoto H, Yano I, Minami H, Hiral M.
Compatibility and Stability of Nab-Paclitaxel in Combination with Other Drugs.
Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2017 ; 63, 1: E9-E16.

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