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ビタミン   Phytomenadione  
調剤時の安定性 混合時の安定性 安定性に影響する因子 互換性 引用文献 PDF

引用文献   経口液   引用文献 : Phytomenadione  
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2697 雑誌 Sewell GJ, Palmer AJ.
The formulation and stability of a unit-dose oral vitamin K1 preparation.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1988 ; 13, 1: 73-76.
4140 雑誌 Huffman J, Brown S, Lewis P, Lawson S, Ogle A, Peacock G.
Comparative Stability of Vitamin K1 Oral Liquids Prepared in Sterile Water for Injection and Stored in Amber Glass Bottles and Amber Plastic Syringes.
Int J Pharm Compound 2018 ;22,4:340-344
4317 雑誌 Lawson S, Lewis P, Peacock G, Brown S.
Comparative Stability of Oral Vitamin K Liquids Stored in Refrigerated Amber Plastic Syringes.
J Pharm Technol 2019 ;35,3:105-109

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