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Le squadre di ricerca - University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science   Pdf  
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University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science
Bibliografia   Bibliografia   (8)  
Stability of Ampicillin in Normal Saline and Buffered Normal Saline.
Maher M, Jensen Kara J,Lee David, Nix David E (nix@ pharmacy.arizona.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2016 - ; 20, 4 : 338-342
Stability of midazolam hydrochloride injection 1-mg/mL solutions in polyvinyl chloride and polyolefin bags
Karlage K, Earhart Z, Green-Boesen K, . Myrdal PB (karlage@pharmacy.arizona.edu)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2011 - ;68:1537-1540.
Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride and human insulin in 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Nolan PE, Hoyer GL, Ledoux JH, Fox JL. ()
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 1997 - ; 54: 1304-1306.
Practical guidelines for preparing and administering amphotericin B.
Kintzel PE, Smith GH. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1992 - ; 49: 1156-1164.
Stability of amphotericin B in 5% dextrose injection at 25°C.
Kintzel PE, Kennedy PE. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1991 - ; 48: 1681.
Stability of amiodarone hydrochloride in admixtures with other injectable drugs.
Campbell S, Nolan PE, Bliss M, Wood R, Mayersohn M. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1986 - ; 43: 917-921.
The stability of melphalan in the presence of chloride ion.
Chang SY, Evans TL, Alberts DS. ()
J Pharm Pharmacol - 1979 - ; 31: 853-854.

Elenco delle molecole   Molecole studiate   (15)  
Antiaritmico Iniezione Amiodarone hydrochloride
Antimicotico Iniezione Amphotericin B
Antibiotico Iniezione Ampicillin sodium
Diuretico Iniezione Furosemide
Ipoglicemizzante Iniezione Insulin
Anestetico locale Iniezione Lidocaine hydrochloride
Farmaco contro il cancro Iniezione Melphalan
Ansiolitico Iniezione Midazolam hydrochloride
Farmaco contro il cancro Iniezione Mitomycin
Elettrolito Iniezione Potassium chloride
Antiaritmico Iniezione Procainamide hydrochloride
Antiaritmico Iniezione Quinidine gluconate
Antistaminico H2 Iniezione Ranitidine hydrochloride
Elettrolito Iniezione Sodium Phosphate
Antiaritmico Iniezione Verapamil hydrochloride

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