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Geneesmiddel tegen kanker   Temozolomide  
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Orale Oplossing
Literatuur   Orale Oplossing   Literatuur : Temozolomide  
Type Publicatie
2855 Artikel Trissel LA, Zhang Y, Koontz SE.
Temozolomide Stability in Extemporaneously Compounded Oral Suspensions
Int J Pharm Compound 2006 ; 10, 5: 396-399.
4397 Artikel Lingertat-Walsh K, Weilnau J, Cober M P, Ostrenga A, Poon B, Pacita S, Law S, Dupuis LL, Walker SE.
Stability of extemporaneously compounded temozolomide 10 mg/mL suspensions in Oral Mix SF in glass and plastic syringes.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2021 ;27,1:78–87

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