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Tip : Ziar
Internet legătură într- : http://www.ajhp.org/cgi/content/abstract/45/2/368

Echipe de cercetare : Waukegan - Du pont Critical Care, Pharmaceutical Development Department
Autor : Karnatz NN, Wong J, Kesler H, Baaske DM, Speicher ER.
Titlu : Compatibility of esmolol hydrochloride with morphine sulfate and fentanyl citrate during simulated Y-site administration.
Référence : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 45: 368-371. 1988

Nivelul dovezii : 
Stabilitatea fizică : 
Stabilitate chimică : 
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Comentarii : 

InjectabilEsmolol hydrochloride Beta-blocant
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 25 µg/ml + Clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 25 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine sulfate 7,5 mg/ml + Clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine sulfate 7,5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFentanyl citrate Antialgic
Compatibil 25 µg/ml + InjectabilEsmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 25 µg/ml + InjectabilEsmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMorphine sulfate Antialgic
Compatibil 7,5 mg/ml + InjectabilEsmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 7,5 mg/ml + InjectabilEsmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Stabilitatea in amestec
Sticla NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5% 15°C-30°C Lumina
Injectabil Esmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml
Injectabil Morphine sulfate 7,5 mg/ml
8 Ora
Sticla NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5% 15°C-30°C Lumina
Injectabil Esmolol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml
Injectabil Fentanyl citrate 25 µg/ml
8 Ora

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