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References   References 1886  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Derby - Institute of Health and Community studies, Derbyshire college of higher education
Authors : Allwood MC.
Title : The stability of diamorphine alone and in combinaison with antiemetics in plastic syringes.
Reference : Palliative Med ; 5: 330-333. 1991

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence D
Physical stability : 
Visual examination 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 
Method not shown but the article refers to a validated method

List of drugs
injectionCyclizine lactate Antihistamine (H1)
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + injectionDiamorphine hydrochloride > 25 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectionDiamorphine hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Compatible 6.7 mg/ml + injectionDiamorphine hydrochloride 20 >> 100 mg/ml + Water for Injection
injectionDiamorphine hydrochloride Analgesic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe Water for Injection 2 & 20 mg/ml 18-22°C Light
18 Day
Incompatible > 25 mg/ml + injectionCyclizine lactate 10 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectionCyclizine lactate 10 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Compatible 20 >> 100 mg/ml + injectionCyclizine lactate 6.7 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Compatible 20 >> 100 mg/ml + injectionHaloperidol lactate 0.75 mg/ml + Water for Injection
injectionHaloperidol lactate Neuroleptic
Compatible 0.75 mg/ml + injectionDiamorphine hydrochloride 20 >> 100 mg/ml + Water for Injection
Stability of mixtures
Polypropylen Syringe Water for Injection 18-22°C Light
injection Cyclizine lactate 6,7 mg/ml
injection Diamorphine hydrochloride 20 mg/ml
10 Day
Polypropylen Syringe Water for Injection 18-22°C Light
injection Haloperidol lactate 0,75 mg/ml
injection Diamorphine hydrochloride 20 mg/ml
20 Day

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