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細胞増殖抑制薬   Cyclophosphamide  
カプセル 経口液
溶媒内の安定性 混合時の安定性 安定性に影響する因子 互換性 投与経路 引用文献 PDF

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Alkyloxan エジプト, マレーシア
Celomide インド
Ciclofosfamida アルゼンチン, チリ, ルーマニア
Cicloxal スペイン
Cryofaxol メキシコ
Cycloblastin アーストラリア
Cycloblastine オランダ
Cyclophosphamid デンマーク, ドイツ
Cyclophosphamide アメリカ, イギリス, サウジアラビア, ニュージーランド
Cyclostin ドイツ
Cycloxan マレーシア
Cycram エジプト
Cytoxan アメリカ, カナダ, ハンガリー
Eldamide インド
Endoxan アラブ首長国連邦, アーストラリア, イタリア, イラン, インド, エクアドル, オランダ, オーストリア, ギリシア, クロアチア, コロンビア, サウジアラビア, スイス, スロベニア, タイ, チュニジア, チリ, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ハンガリー, フランス, ベネズエラ, ベルギー, ポルトガル, ポーランド, モロッコ, ルクセンブルグ
Endoxana アイルランド, イギリス
Formitex コロンビア, メキシコ
Genoxal スペイン
Genuxal ブラジル
Hidrofosmin メキシコ
Ledoxan コロンビア
Ledoxina コロンビア, メキシコ
Neophos エジプト
Neosar アメリカ
Procytox カナダ
Sendoxan アイスランド, スウェーデン, デンマーク, ノルウェー, フィンランド
Syklofosfamid トルコ, フィンランド
引用文献   注射薬   引用文献 : Cyclophosphamide  
形式 出版物
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Compatibility of amifostine with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Stability and compatibility studies of four cytostatic agents (fluorouracil, dacarbazine, cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide) with PVC infusion bags.
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Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and cyclophosphamide in injectable solutions.
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Stability and compatibility of granisetron hydrochloride in IV solutions and oral liquids and during simulated Y-site injection with selected drugs.
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Compatibility of piperacillin sodium plus tazobactam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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244 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of filgrastim with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Compatibility of thiotepa (lyophilized) with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Compatibility of doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Compatibility of parenteral nutrient solutions with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Compatibility of allopurinol sodium with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Visual compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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Visual compatibility of sargramostim with selected antineoplasic agents, anti-infectives, or other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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Visual compatibility of idarubicin hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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492 雑誌 Trissel LA, Parks NPT, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of fludarabine phosphate with antineoplastic drugs, anti-infectives, and other selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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Stability and compatibility of topotecan hydrochloride with selected drugs.
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1410 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Simmons M.
Compatibility of etoposide phosphate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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1415 雑誌 Trissel L.A, Gilbert D.L, Martinez J.F, Baker M.B, Walter W.V, Mirtallo J.M.
Compatibility of medications with 3-in-1 parenteral nutrition admixtures.
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1423 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of gemcitabine hyrochloride with 107 selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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1496 雑誌 Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Screening cladribine for Y-site physical compatibility with selected drugs.
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Incompatibilities of lansoprazole injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
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Compatibility screening of oxaliplatin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
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1925 雑誌 Trissel LA , Williams KY, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility screening of linezolid injection during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs and infusion solutions.
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1953 雑誌 Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele AB, Ingram DS.
Physical compatibility of pemetrexed disodium with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 2289-2293.
1982 雑誌 Trissel LA, Ogundele AB.
Compatibility of anidulafungin with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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2016 雑誌 Xu QA, Trissel LA.
Compatibility of palonosetron with cyclophosphamide and with ifosfamide during Y-site administration.
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2104 雑誌 Iriarte Izura MA, Gozalo garcia MJ, Marcotegui Ros F, Nagore Indurain C, Urdaniz Baztan AO.
Estudio de la estabilidad de mezclas ciclofosfamida/mesna e ifosfamida/mesna en soluciones intravenosas de gran volumen.
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2262 雑誌 Brammer MK, Chan P, Heatherly K, Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Psathas PA, Gilmor T, Schaufelberger D.
Compatibility of doripenem with other drugs during simulated Y-site administratioN
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Prostrakan 2013
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Accord Healthcare France SAS 2013
4471 実験 Amétycine 10 mg poudre pour solution injectable - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit - Oct 10, 2019
Kyowa Kirin Pharma 2019

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