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交感神経様作用薬   Norepinephrine bitartrate  
溶媒内の安定性 混合時の安定性 安定性に影響する因子 互換性 投与経路 引用文献 PDF

商品名   商品名     


Adine チリ
Arterenol ドイツ
Biemefrin トルコ
Boguefren メキシコ
Cardenor トルコ
Cardiamed マレーシア
Drenorep ペルー
Epinor インド
Fioritina アルゼンチン
Hyponor ブラジル
Levonor ポーランド
Levophed アメリカ, アラブ首長国連邦, カナダ, サウジアラビア, チリ, ニュージーランド, ベルギー, マレーシア, ルクセンブルグ
Levophrine エジプト
Nadrin インド
Naretia メキシコ
Nepridar メキシコ
Noradren ペルー
Noradrenalin ノルウェー
Noradrenaline アイルランド, イギリス, スイス, チュニジア, フランス, ルーマニア
Norages スペイン
Norepine ベルギー
Pridam チリ, メキシコ
Radrenit メキシコ
Softamicid メキシコ
Steradine トルコ
Tehipren メキシコ
引用文献   注射薬   引用文献 : Norepinephrine bitartrate  
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59 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Kim MC.
Compatibility of remifentanil hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2192-2196.
192 雑誌 Peddicord TE, Olsen KM, ZumBrunnen TL, Warner DJ, Webb L.
Stability of high-concentration dopamine hydrochloride, norepinephrine bitartrate, epinephrine hydrochloride, and nitroglycerin in 5% dextrose injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1417-1419.
197 雑誌 Allwood MC.
The stability of four catecholamines in 5% glucose infusions.
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Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride and seven medications.
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Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride with eight medications in intravenous admixtures.
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266 雑誌 Patel PR.
Compatibility of meropenem with commonly used injectable drugs.
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Compatibility of cisatracurium besylate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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300 雑誌 Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of propofol injectable emulsion with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Compatibility screening of bivalirudin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
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Compatibility screening of Hextend during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
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1801 雑誌 Feddema S, Rusho WJ, Tyler LS, Barker B.
Physical compatibility of vasopressin with medications commonly used in cardiac arrest.
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1803 雑誌 Trissel, LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele OB, Ingram D, Baker MB.
Compatibility of fenoldopam mesylate with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 80-85.
1902 雑誌 Walker SE, Wyllie A, Law S.
Physical compatibility of pantoprazole with selected medications during simulated Y-site administration.
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1964 雑誌 Hartman CA, Baroletti SA, Churchill WW et al.
Visual compatibility of argatroban with selected drugs.
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Visual compatibility of vasopressin with other injectable drugs.
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Visual compatibility of clonidine with selected drugs.
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Compatibility of injectable pantoprazole in Y-site administration.
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Compatibility of micafungin injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site co-administration.
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2192 雑誌 Cochran BG, Sowinski KM, Fausel C, Overholser BR.
Physical compatibility and chemical stability of mycophenolate mofetil during simulated Y-site administration with commonly coadministered drugs.
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2247 雑誌 Chan P, Heatherly K, Kupiec T.C, Trissel L.A.
Compatibility of caspofungin acetate injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
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2262 雑誌 Brammer MK, Chan P, Heatherly K, Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Psathas PA, Gilmor T, Schaufelberger D.
Compatibility of doripenem with other drugs during simulated Y-site administratioN
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2269 雑誌 Chan P, Bishop A, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Gole D, Jimidar IM, Vermeersch H.
Compatibility of ceftobiprole medocaril with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65, 16: 1545-1551.
2879 ポスター Imesch G., Humbert-Delaloye V., Berger M., Pannatier A.
Compatibilité entre amiodarone, catecholamines et/ou nitroprussiate de sodium, administré en continu par voie veineuse aux soins intensifs adultes.
GSASA Congress - Lucerne - Switzerland 2008
3012 雑誌 Sullivan T, Forrest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Cloxacillin Sodium with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-Site Administration
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3111 雑誌 Walker SE, Law S, Garland J, Fung E, Iazzetta J.
Stability of Norepinephrine Solutions in Normal Saline and 5% Dextrose in Water.
Can J Hosp Pharm 2010 ; 63, 2: 113-118.
3152 雑誌 Kumar A, Mann HJ.
Visual compatibility of oritavancin diphosphate with selected coadministered drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2010 ; 67: 1640-1644.
3177 ポスター Humbert-Delaloye V, Berger M, Pannatier A.
Compatibilités physico-chimique entre catécholamines, amiodarone, et/ou nitroprussiate de sodium intraveineux.
16èmes JFSPH, Sion, 18-19 novembre 2010 2010
3210 雑誌 Jasti Bhaskara R, Saraf Poonam.
Compatibility of Parenteral Furosemide with Seventeen Secondary Drugs Used in Standard Concentrations.
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3216 雑誌 Legris ME, Valiquette ME, Lavoie A, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique par évaluation visuelle du salbutamol injectable lors de son administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2011 ; 44, 1 : 14-18
3249 雑誌 Singh BM, Dedhiya MG, Dinunzio J, Chan P, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Laudano JB.
Compatibility of ceftaroline fosamil for injection with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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3254 雑誌 Housman S.T, Tessier P.R, Nicolau D.P, Kuti J.L.
Physical compatibility of telavancin hydrochloride with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration
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3332 実験 Tigecycline (Tigacyl®) - Summary of Product characteristics
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3372 雑誌 Hanci V, Ali Kiraz H, Ömür D, Ekin S, Uyan B, Yurtlu B.S.
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3381 雑誌 Humbert-Delaloye V, Berger-Gryllaki M, Voirol P, Gattlen L, Pannatier A.
In vitro compatibility of various cardioactive drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
EJHP 2013 ; 20:110-116.
3408 雑誌 Tollec S, Touzin K, Pelletier E, Forest J.M.
Evaluation visuelle de la compatibilité physique de la naloxone avec d’autres médicaments intraveineux usuels.
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3644 実験 Calcium gluconate® - Summary of Product Characteristics
Hameln Pharmaceuticals 2010
3766 雑誌 Forrest J.M, Hildgen P.
Compatibilité de l’acétylcystéine injectable lors de son administration en Y avec d’autres médicaments usuels
Pharmactuel 2014 ; 47, 3 : 161-165.
3767 雑誌 Legris M.E, Lavoie A, Forrest J.M, Hildgen P.
Compatibilité par évaluation visuelle du thiopental injectable lors de son administration en Y avec des médicaments usuels.
Pharmactuel 2014 ; 47, 3 : 167-172.
3823 雑誌 Juan E.P, Palau M.M, Cerd? S.A, Rubert M.A, Nicolau B.R.
Compatibilité physique de médicaments administrés dans l’unité de soins intensifs
Pharmactuel 2015 ; 48, 3 : 146-152.
3824 雑誌 Boudi S, Roy H, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique de l'association amoxicilline-acide clavulanique en injection avec plusieurs autres médicaments lors d'une administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2023 2023;56,3:91-98
3827 ポスター Ghazi I.M, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Compatibility of tedizolid phosphate with selected intravenous drugs via simulated Y-site conditions.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3828 ポスター Thabit A.K, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Ceftozolane/tazobactam physical compatibility during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3829 ポスター So W, Kim L, Thabit A.K, Nicolau D.P, Kuti J.L.
Compatibility of isavunazonium sulfate during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3838 実験 Magnesium Sulphate - Summary of Product Characteristics
Martindale Pharmaceuticals Ltd 2007
3865 雑誌 Vicky M, Samit S, Jaymin P, Michael C T.
Compatibility of Norepinephrine Bitartrate with Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2016 ; 20, 3 : 236-238.
3879 雑誌 Foushee Jaime A, Meredith Pmichaele, Fox Laura M, Grace Edward E.
Y-site Physical Compatibility of Beta-blocker Infusions with Intensive Care Unit Admixtures.
Int J Pharm Compound 2016 ; 20, 4 : 328-332.
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Compatibility of Intravenous Medications With Parenteral Nutrition - In Vitro Evaluation.
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3964 雑誌 Audet M.A, Forest E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité du citrate de caféine injectable avec plusieurs autres médicaments.
Pharmactuel 2017 ; 50,1 : 27-33.
3989 雑誌 Feutry F, Genay S, Velghe C, Barthélémy C, Décaudin B, Odou, P.
Stability of midazolam and noradrenaline stored in cyclic olefin copolymer AT-Closed Vials® and polypropylene syringes during 365 days.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2017 ; 2,1: 35
4055 雑誌 Monogue M, Almarzoky Abuhussain S, Kuti J, Nicolau D.
Physical compatibility of fosfomycin for injection with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 , 75, 1:36-44
4119 ポスター Marcoz N, Ing H, Sautter AM, Saadi JF, Roulin JF, Bonnabry P.
Stabilité et compatibilité de solutions injectables d'amiodarone (Cordarone®)
Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève 2004
4145 雑誌 Asempa T.E, Avery L.M, Kidd J.M, Kuti J.L, Nicolau D.P.
Physical compatibility of plazomicin with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 ;75,14:1048-1056
4160 雑誌 West G.B.
The Stability of Noradrenaline Solutions.
J Pharm Pharmacol 1952 560-565
4250 雑誌 D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Clarot I, Demoré B.
Physicochemical stability of norepinephrine bitartrate in polypropylene syringes at high concentrations for intensive care units.
Ann Pharm Fr 2019 ;77,3:212-221.
4319 雑誌 Lessard J-J, Caron E, Schérer H, Forest J-M, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Y-site Injection of Meropenem Trihydrate With 101 Other Injectable Drugs.
Hosp Pharm 2020 ; 55, 5: 332-337.
4323 ポスター Wethmar U, Hochbrügge H, Strobel HG.
Stabilitätsprüfung von applikationsfertigen Adrenalin- und Noradrenalinverdünningen.
ADKA Kongress 2019
4380 実験 Posaconazole (Noxafil®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited 2019
4389 雑誌 Côté K, Correal F, Metras M.E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique des médicaments administrés en Y aux soins intensifs, en particulier la dexmédétomidine, le lévosimendan et la kétamine.
Pharmactuel 2019 ;52,4:206-213
4433 雑誌 Ghazi I.M, El Nekidy W.S, Sood A, Dulku A, Patel R, Patel K.
Y-site Administration of Imipenem/Cilastatin/ Relebactam With Common Intravenous Medications
Clin Ther 2020 ; 42, 3: 475-485.
4434 雑誌 Avery L.M, Chen, I.H, Reyes, S, Nicolau, D.P, Kuti J.L.
Assessment of the Physical Compatibility of Eravacycline and Common Parenteral Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Clin Ther 2019 ; 41, 10: 2162-2170.
4465 雑誌 Foushee A, Meredith P, Fox Laura, Wilder A.
Y-site physical compatibility of hydrocortisone continuous infusions with admixtures used in critically ill patients.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2020 ;77,14:1144-1148
4491 雑誌 De Basagoiti A, Katsumiti A, Abascal S, Bustinza A, López-Giménez L.R, Pilar P, De Miguel M, Campino A.
Physical compatibility of alprostadil with selected drugs commonly used in the neonatal intensive care units.
Eur J Pedia 2020
4506 雑誌 Griffith S, Stapleton E, Padilla S, Mruk A, Thomas C.
Physical compatibility of milrinone 1 mg/mL with select cardiovascular medications during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2020 ;77,23:1938-1940.
4524 ポスター Stucki C, Sautter A-M, Bonnabry P.
Physical compatibility of the propofol emulsion with 33 drugs used in anaesthesiology.
ESCP Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland 2009
4528 雑誌 Lu J, Liu Q, Kupiec T, Vail H, Lunch L, Fam D, Vu N.
Physical Compatibility of Cefiderocol with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2021 ;25,1:52-61
4543 雑誌 Senarathna G, Strunk T, Petrovski M, Batty K.
Physical compatibility of pentoxifylline and intravenous medications.
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2018 ;104:292–295.
4569 雑誌 Lee T.M , Villareal C.L, Meyer L.M.
Y-Site Compatibility of Intravenous Levetiracetam With Commonly Used Critical Care Medications.
Hosp Pharm 2021 ; 56, 4: 282-286.
4570 雑誌 Greenhill K, Hornsby E, Gorman G.
Investigations of Physical Compatibilities of Commonly Used Intravenous Medications with and without Parenteral Nutrition in Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Patients.
Pharmaceuticals 2019
4603 雑誌 Vallée M, Barthélémy I, Friciu M, Pelletier E, Forest J.M, Benoit F, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Lactated Ringer’s Injection With 94 Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Hosp Pharm 2021 ; 56, 4: 228-234.
4651 雑誌 De Basagoiti A, Katsumiti A, Abascal S, Bustinza A, López-Giménez L.R, Pascual P, De Miguel M, Campino A.
Physical compatibility of alprostadil with selected drugs commonly used in the neonatal intensive care units.
Eur J Pedia 2021 ;180,1169–1176.
4655 雑誌 Holyk A, Lindner A, Lindner S, Shippert B
Physical compatibility of Normosol-R with critical care medications used in patients with COVID-19 during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2022 ;79,1:27-33
4742 雑誌 Macoviciuc M, Nguyen C, Forest J-M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique de l’acétaminophène injectable avec 102 autres médicaments lors d’une administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2022 ; 55, 4: 247-255.
4758 雑誌 Schmidt J.P, Steppe M.
Stability Study and Simultaneous Determination of Norepinephrine, Moxifloxacin, and Piperacillin + Tazobactam Mixtures Applied in Intensive Care Medicine .
Curr Pharm Anal 2023 ; 19, 4: 307-316.
4801 雑誌 Ruiz V, Yuwei Shen Y, Abouelhassan Y, Fouad A, Nicolau D, Kuti J.
Physical compatibility of sulbactam/durlobactam with select intravenous drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2024 ;51,1:

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