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As equipas de investigação - University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science   Pdf  
Estados Unidos de América
University of Arizona, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science
Bibliografía   Bibliografía   (8)  
Stability of Ampicillin in Normal Saline and Buffered Normal Saline.
Maher M, Jensen Kara J,Lee David, Nix David E (nix@ pharmacy.arizona.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2016 - ; 20, 4 : 338-342
Stability of midazolam hydrochloride injection 1-mg/mL solutions in polyvinyl chloride and polyolefin bags
Karlage K, Earhart Z, Green-Boesen K, . Myrdal PB (karlage@pharmacy.arizona.edu)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2011 - ;68:1537-1540.
Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride and human insulin in 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Nolan PE, Hoyer GL, Ledoux JH, Fox JL. ()
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 1997 - ; 54: 1304-1306.
Practical guidelines for preparing and administering amphotericin B.
Kintzel PE, Smith GH. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1992 - ; 49: 1156-1164.
Stability of amphotericin B in 5% dextrose injection at 25°C.
Kintzel PE, Kennedy PE. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1991 - ; 48: 1681.
Stability of amiodarone hydrochloride in admixtures with other injectable drugs.
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Am J Hosp Pharm - 1986 - ; 43: 917-921.
The stability of melphalan in the presence of chloride ion.
Chang SY, Evans TL, Alberts DS. ()
J Pharm Pharmacol - 1979 - ; 31: 853-854.

Lista de compostos   Moléculas estudadas   (15)  
Antiarrítmico Injetável Amiodarone hydrochloride
Antifúngico Injetável Amphotericin B
Antibiótico Injetável Ampicillin sodium
Diurético Injetável Furosemide
Hipoglicemiante Injetável Insulin
Anestésico local Injetável Lidocaine hydrochloride
Droga contra o câncer Injetável Melphalan
Ansiolitico Injetável Midazolam hydrochloride
Droga contra o câncer Injetável Mitomycin
Eletrólito Injetável Potassium chloride
Antiarrítmico Injetável Procainamide hydrochloride
Antiarrítmico Injetável Quinidine gluconate
Antihistamínico H2 Injetável Ranitidine hydrochloride
Eletrólito Injetável Sodium Phosphate
Antiarrítmico Injetável Verapamil hydrochloride

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