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Pētniecības grupas - St Jude Children Student Hospital   Pdf  
Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
St Jude Children Student Hospital
Literatūras saraksts   Literatūras saraksts   (5)  
Stability of Cyclophosphamide in Extemporaneous Oral Suspensions.
Kennedy R, Groepper D, Tagen M, Christensen R, Navid F, Gajjar A, Stewart CF. ()
Ann Pharmacotherapy - 2010 - ;44:295-301.
Stability of Sunitinib in Oral Suspensions.
Navid F, Christensen R, Minkin P, Stewart C, Furman W, Baker S. (fariba.navid@stjude.org)
Ann Pharmacotherapy - 2008 - ;42:962-966
Stability of etoposide solution for oral use
McLeod HL, Relling MV. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1992 - ; 49: 2784-2785.
A Dilute Solution of Vancomycin and Heparin Retains Antibacterial and Anticoagulant Activities .
Henrickson K.J; . Powell K.R; . Schwartz C.L. ()
J Infect Dis - 1988 - ; 157, 3: 600-601.
Interaction between vancomycin and ticarcillin.
Perest M, Allison J. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1985 - ; 42: 2420-2421.

Saraksti   Molekulas pētīta   (5)  
Vēzis narkotiku Orāls šķīdums Cyclophosphamide
Vēzis narkotiku Orāls šķīdums Etoposide
Antikoagulants Injekcija Heparin sodium
Vēzis narkotiku Orāls šķīdums Sunitinib
Antibiotika Injekcija Vancomycin hydrochloride

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