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Istraživačkih timova - Stepping Hill Hospital, Quality Control North Wes   Pdf  
Velika Britanija
Stepping Hill Hospital, Quality Control North Wes
Bibliografija   Bibliografija   (10)  
Stability Study for Clindamycin 9.52mg/mL in 5.0% w/v Glucose 50mL Infusion Bags.
Simms D, Roberts J, Rigge D. ()
Quality Control North West, Stockport NHS Foundati - 2021 -
Stability Study for Piperacillin/Tazobactam 56.9 mg/mL in Sodium Chloride 0.9% w/v in 50mL Infusion Bags.
SimmsD, Roberts J, Rigge D. ()
Quality Control North West, Stockport NHS Foundati - 2021 -
Stability Study for Piperacillin/Tazobactam 56.9 mg/mL in Glucose 5.0% w/v in 50mL Infusion Bags.
Simms D, Roberts J, Rigge D. ()
Quality Control North West, Stockport NHS Foundati - 2021 -
Stability Study for Clindamycin 9.52mg/mL in 0.9% w/v Sodium Chloride 50mL Infusion Bags.
Simms D, Roberts J, Rigge D. ()
Quality Control North West, Stockport NHS Foundati - 2021 -
Stability of premixed syringes of diamorphine and hyperbaric bupivacaine.
Hudson S.J, Jones M.F, Nolan S, Ellis H, Duncombe R, Alexander-Williams J.M. ()
Int J Obstet Anesth - 2005 - ; 14, 4: 284-287.
Premixed solutions of diamorphine in ropivacaine for epidural anaesthesia: a study on long-term stability.
Sanchez del Aguila MJ, Jones MF, Vohra A. ()
Br J Anaesth - 2003 - ; 90: 179-182.
Precipitation in Manchester: ketorolac/cyclizine
Smith R.P.R, Jones M. ()
Anaesthesia - 2001 - ; 56: 494-495.

Liste   Molekule studirao   (9)  
Lokalna anestezija Injekcija Bupivacaine hydrochloride
Antibiotik Injekcija Clindamycin phosphate
Antihistaminik H1 Injekcija Cyclizine lactate
Analgetik Injekcija Diamorphine hydrochloride
Protuupalni Injekcija Hydrocortisone sodium succinate
Protuupalni Injekcija Ketorolac tromethamine
Antibiotik Injekcija Netilmicin sulfate
Antibiotik Injekcija Piperacillin sodium / tazobactam
Lokalna anestezija Injekcija Ropivacain hydrochloride

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