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فرق البحث - Pharmacie centrale des hôpitaux de Paris   Pdf  
Pharmacie centrale des hôpitaux de Paris
البريد الإلكتروني
مراجع   مراجع   (3)  
Stability of stored methacholine solutions: study of hydrolysis kinetic by IP-LC.
Acar V, Houri JJ, Le Hoang MD, Pradeau D, Guyon F. ()
J Pharm Biomed Anal - 2001 - ; 25: 861-869.
Stability of morphine hydrochloride solutions in portable single-use PCA systems. Additives leaching into the morphine solutions.
Le Hoang MD, Sarbach C, Prognon P, Delvordre P, Mignot A, Pradeau D. ()
J Pharm Clin - 1998 - ; 17: 35-39.
Study protocol : stability of morphine injected without preservative, delivered with a disposable infusion device.
Oustric-Mendes AC, Huart B, Le Hoang MD, Perrin-Rosset M, Pailler FM, Darbord JC, Prognon, Gard C, Pradeau D. ()
J Clin Pharm Ther - 1997 - ; 22: 283-290.

قائمة المركبات   جزيئات درس   (2)  
مختلف الأيروصولات Methacholine chloride
مسكن حقن Morphine hydrochloride

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